Common Good Iowa

Media Center - 2024 Archive

CGI News: Children of color in Iowa face disparate outcomes that jeopardize their well-being

Children of color in Iowa fare at best modestly better than their peers nationwide — and far more poorly than their white Iowa peers, according to Annie E. Casey Foundation’s 2024 Race for Results report. These findings reflect failure in Iowa and nationally to equip all children to succeed.

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CGI News: Iowa’s Tax System Exacerbates Inequality, National Study Finds

Iowa’s upside-down tax system, with the wealthy paying a far lesser share of their income to tax than low- and middle-income families, is about to get worse. New research from the Institute on Taxation and Economic Policy (ITEP) shows scheduled reductions in personal and corporate income taxes will widen this disparity, while proposals to eliminate state and local income taxes would make Iowa one of the 10 worst states for tax equity.

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