Common Good Iowa

Posts in category Budget & taxes

Posted on July 26, 2023 at 5:40 PM by Mike Owen

Riders on RAGBRAI, the annual statewide bicycle ride across Iowa sponsored by The Des Moines Register, are peddling on a...

Posted on March 3, 2023 at 12:02 PM by Mike Owen

The road is closed, the bridge is out, and tax-cut-obsessed legislators are stepping on the gas. Already, Iowans started the...

Posted on March 22, 2022 at 4:06 PM by Mike Owen

Under Senate Study Bill 3064, one “no” vote is worth two “yes” votes. Try explaining that in Social Studies class....

Categories: Budget & taxes

Posted on April 30, 2021 at 11:12 AM by Mike Owen

President Biden’s challenge to Congress to rejuvenate the nation came as a welcome contrast to what Iowans are seeing from...

Posted on April 9, 2021 at 1:34 PM by Mary Nelle Trefz

Among several tax elements, Senate File 587, the tax bill passed by Iowa Senate on a party-line vote earlier this...

Categories: Budget & taxes, Health

Posted on March 11, 2021 at 5:32 PM by Mike Owen

Senate File 576 was already a terribly costly tax bill that Iowa cannot afford. Now, it appears to be twice...

Categories: Budget & taxes

Posted on March 9, 2021 at 1:59 PM by Peter Fisher

As Iowa legislators move through a 14th consecutive session without action on a minimum wage increase, low-wage Iowans are left...

Categories: Budget & taxes

Tagged As: Minimum wage

Posted on February 16, 2021 at 3:05 PM by Mike Owen

Iowa businesses large and small received nearly $70 million from the Research Activities Credit (RAC) in 2020. Taxpayers sent most...

Categories: Budget & taxes

Tagged As: subsidies, Tax credits

Posted on January 9, 2021 at 4:23 PM by Mike Owen

It was good news this week to learn Governor Kim Reynolds would not pursue her tax-swap plan this session, trading...
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